Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Read all our terms and conditions of Subscription.

1.  Terms and Conditions

1.1.  These Terms and Conditions comprise a number of rights and responsibilities relevant to Registered Individuals. They become binding on a Registered Individual once that individual has applied for, and subsequently been accepted to a type of subscription (‘Type of Subscription’).

1.2 All Registered Individuals are subject to the Regulations of Inside Indoor and agree to be bound by and observe all terms of use and privacy policies published by Inside Indoor from time to time. The privacy policy can be found at https://inside.britishrowing.org/privacy-policy/ The Terms of use can be found at https://inside.britishrowing.org/terms-of-use/ 

1.3 The Terms of Use and privacy policy of Inside Indoor apply to all Registered Individuals from the commencement, or renewal of a subscription.

2.  Inside Indoor Subscription

2.1.  Upon acceptance a Registered Individual shall be designated with one of the following Types of Subscriptions:

Types of Subscription


Inside Indoor Discover (available to persons aged 16 or over)

Free Lifetime login access to a select number of Inside Indoor content posts and partner information. You must upgrade to access exclusive monthly or annual subscriber content beyond this.

Inside Indoor Monthly  (available to persons aged 16 or over)

Monthly unlimited access to Inside Indoor content on insideindoor.com and exclusive partner discounts.

Inside Indoor Annual  (available to persons aged 16 or over)

12 monthly unlimited access to Inside Indoor content on insideindoor.com and exclusive partner discounts.

2.2.  Inside Indoor has the right to re-brand or re-name the Types of Subscription at any time.

2.3. Types of Subscription rights are not transferable to another individual.

3.  Subscription status

3.1.  Upon acceptance within a Subscription a Registered Individual shall be issued with an account on https://inside.britishrowing.org 

3.2.  A level of subscription will constitute access to Inside Indoor Subscription benefits.

3.3.  Subscriptions are non-transferrable and must only be used by the relevant Registered Individual. Misuse of the subscription may result in disciplinary action or removal of the relevant Registered Individual.  

4.  Benefits

5.1.  All monthly and annual registered Individuals are eligible to receive certain discount benefits provided by Inside Indoor. The price and duration of the relevant benefits are subject to change over time and are at the sole and absolute discretion of Inside Indoor.

5.2.  When seeking to use the discount benefits of inside indoor, a Registered Individual will need to be either a monthly or annual subscriber to access these.

6.  Application for Inside Indoor Subscription, Renewal Payment and Upgrades

6.1.  Any person may apply to become a Registered Individual within one of the Types of Subscription referred to in paragraph 2 above. Types of Membership Subscription can be applied for by registering via Inside Indoor online.

6.2.  Inside Indoor shall be entitled to refuse an application form, or suspend, or cancel the Subscription of any individual in its absolute discretion. Inside Indoor is not obliged to provide reasons for any action taken of this nature. However, potential reasons include, but are not limited to, breach of the Terms of Use, or an instruction from the Disciplinary and Grievance Panel or Safeguarding Case Management Group.

6.3.  Inside Indoor Annual Subscription commences from the day of purchase and expires after 12 months.

6.4.  Inside Indoor Annual Subscription can be renewed subject to payment of the relevant subscription fee for the subsequent year at any time up to a month in advance of the expiry date. Regardless of the renewal date within this month period the new Subscription will start the day after the previous Subscription ends.

6.5.  If an Annual Subscription is not renewed by the expiry date it will cease with immediate effect.

6.6. Inside Indoor Monthly subscription commences from the day of purchase and recurring payments will be taken at the same day each month until Inside Indoor is authorised to stop by you as the subscriber on the site or via email.

6.7.  Payment can be made online via Inside Indoor platform via credit/debit card.

6.8.  By setting up a recurring payment, Subscribers will be automatically renewed, and the Registered Individual will automatically be charged the relevant subscription price on an monthly or annual basis until the Registered Individual instructs to cancel the Subscription before the end of the year.

6.9.  A Registered Individual may apply at any time to upgrade or downgrade their Type of Subscription online. The relevant payment for the intended upgrade must be made in full, and no credit or refunds will be given for payments already made for a Subscription year.

7.  Changes to Terms and Conditions

7.1.  Inside Indoor may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and Registered Individuals should therefore check them each time they renew their Inside Indoor Subscription. The terms and conditions applying to a Subscription will be those in place on the date of purchase.

8.  Expiry, Cancellation and Refunds

8.1.  Upon expiry of an Inside Indoor Subscription all rights and benefits in respect of that Subscription will cease.

8.2.  When purchasing a Subscription Registered Individuals have a seven-day cooling off period during which the subscription can be cancelled, and a full refund received unless during that seven-day period.

8.3.  If a Registered Individual decides to cancel their Subscription after this seven-day period, no refund will be received (unless Inside Indoor in its absolute discretion decides to).

9.  Data Protection

9.1.  Inside Indoor collects personal information when an individual becomes a Registered Individual, or when a Registered Individual uses services or products that require the collection of personal information.

9.2.  Inside Indoor will use this information to provide the services requested (including sharing information with British Rowing) maintain records, notify members of important information regarding an individual’s Subscription (such as renewal notices), develop the organisation and, if the Registered Individual agrees, send the Registered Individual information on things which may be of interest to them.

9.3.  Inside Indoor may occasionally pass such information to its suppliers/partners to receive services or products relating to Subscription that are not fulfilled directly by Inside Indoor. Unless explicitly stated, Inside Indoor does not share such information for marketing purposes with any other organisations.

9.4.  Registered Individuals should review the Inside Indoor Privacy Policy for further information as to how their personal data is handled.

10.  Minors

10.1.  If a Registered Individual is a Minor (child or young adult who is not yet 18), the parent/carer of the Registered Individual must agree to comply with the Inside Indoor Terms of Use.

11.  Definitions



Inside Indoor Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Any codes of conduct and privacy notices as published by Inside Indoor

Disciplinary and Grievance Panel

The panel established working with British Rowing for the purpose of administering disciplinary and grievance procedures.


Any person under 18 years of age

Registered Individuals

A person registered with Inside Indoor and paying the relevant fees


Any rules or regulations published by Inside Indoor pertaining to the governance of the sport of rowing through British Rowing

Safeguarding Case Management Group

The panel established by British Rowing for the purpose of administering safeguarding disciplinary procedures 

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