British Rowing 

Quinoa porridge

A great alternative to your usual porridge - and packed full of protein!

This porridge variation is a great way to start the day and also makes the perfect pre-training snack.

(serves two)

200g quinoa
400ml water
100ml milk (or rice milk for dairy free)
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon (or nutmeg or cloves)
1 tbsp sultanas
1 tbsp dried cranberries
Honey, nuts or seeds etc

This is a high carbohydrate, high protein breakfast
How to make it

1.  Start by washing the quinoa under running cold water. Place into a saucepan and add water. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a gentle simmer for 10 minutes or until the quinoa is soft.

2.  Drain the quinoa and add back to the pan along with the milk, cinnamon, sultanas and cranberries. Place over a low heat, stirring continuously.

3.  The porridge should become much thicker. You can then add honey and add nuts/seeds to your liking.

Nutritional content per serving

(using semi-skimmed milk, without additions)

428 kcal
82g carbohydrate
16.4g protein (15g if porridge oats used)
6g fat

Why this recipe good is for rowers

Nutritionist Jacqueline Birtwisle says: “This is a high carbohydrate, high protein breakfast (equivalent protein amount to 2½ boiled eggs) that’s also good for potassium, magnesium phosphorus, calcium and zinc.

It includes the all-important nutrients for bone health, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and B6 – essential for the metabolism of protein and carbohydrate.

“Even the small amount of cinnamon (or nutmeg or cloves) dramatically boosts the protective antioxidant effects of this porridge.

“While quinoa is a gluten-free grain containing all the essential amino acids, thus making it a complete or ‘high-quality protein’, porridge oats (also gluten-free) need the addition of milk to become a complete protein. However, when milk is added, the nutritional analysis of quinoa or oatmeal porridge is very similar.”

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